The lack of humidity in your home can lead to irritating symptoms such as dry throats and allergies. But too much humidity can lead to mold growth and poor indoor air quality. There are many benefits to installating a humidifier in your Raleigh-Durham home. Humidifers can help:
- Improve your health: Areas in your home with low humidity can be more conducive to viruses. Having a humidifier installed can reduce the likelihood of catching the flu or colds through the spread of these viruses.
- Maximize your home efficiency: Humidifiers can help you feel more comfortable in your home, reducing the need to use your heating and cooling systems.
- Enhance your comfort: Dry air can cause allergies and other unpleasant symptoms. Humidifiers can help keep some of these symptoms at bay.
- Preserve your floors and furniture: Humidifiers can help moisturize the air in your home, preventing damages to your floor and furniture that are sometimes caused by dry air.
Signs You Need a Humidifier
Excessively dry air is no better than overly humid air. It can be just as uncomfortable and just as damaging. When you get AnyDay Heating & Cooling to install a humidifier in your Raleigh-Durham home, you can bring just the right amount of moisture back into the air for increased comfort levels. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, your home could probably benefit from a humidifier:
- Dry, itchy skin
- Sore throats
- Allergies
If you notice any of these additonal signs, you might want to consider installing a humidifier in your home:
- Static shocks
- Chipped paint and plaster
- Splitting wooden furniture, floors, or moldings
Schedule Humidifier Installation in the Raleigh-Durham Area
If you think your Raleigh-Durham home could benefit from a humidifier, contact the team at AnyDay Heating & Cooling! We can help you choose a humidifier to suit your space and help ensure the air stays healthy and comfortable all year long.
Call us now for more information about the benefits of humidifiers, or if you’re ready to schedule services—919-329-2944!