Air Conditioning Statistics Every Homeowner Should Know
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Air Conditioning Statistics Every Homeowner Should Know

With summer in full swing in the Raleigh-Durham area, you might be thinking about your air conditioner right now. Thoughts like, “Is my AC going to make it through another season?” or “How much is my AC bill going to cost me this month?” are normal this this time of year. Many of us don’t think about our air conditioner at all – until it breaks down.

If you find yourself thinking about your AC this summer, kick back (in an air-conditioned space, of course) and read up on some important statistics about the machines we depend on to stay cool. You’ll put your mind at ease about how your system is supposed to operate and alert you to any problems that may require air conditioning services.

Air Conditioning Statistics and Facts Everyone Should Know

  • 75 percent of homes in the U.S. have air conditioners, which use nearly six percent of the annual U.S. energy supply. That much comfortable, cool air costs Americans around $29 billion a year.
  • All of that air conditioning use results in about 117 million metric tons of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere each year. If you have an older AC unit and would like to upgrade to a new, highly energy-efficient unit, call for air conditioning services today.
  • The main type of refrigerant used in your AC unit is called R-22. This refrigerant is being phased out as of 2010 and will be completely out of production in 2020. After that, ozone-friendly hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) will take over as the dominant refrigerant along with alternative options like ammonia.
  • Air conditioners have become much more energy efficient in the past few years. A new energy saving model can save you from 20-50 percent on your annual cooling costs. Call to find out how our air conditioning services can help you get the best performance from your AC unit or if you’d like information on installing a brand new, eco-friendly unit.

Important Air Conditioning Facts for Optimal Cooling

Take note of the following facts to get the best performance out your air conditioning system. If you’re following these guidelines but don’t think your AC is working properly, making an appointment for air conditioning services could help get to the bottom of the situation.

Proper Usage – The main kinds of air conditioners are central air units and single room units. For these units to be effective, you must keep all doors and windows shut while operating your system. If cool air escapes, the unit will run continuously to attain the thermostat’s set point.

Regular Maintenance – Dirty air filters and coils, debris inside your unit, and clogged drain lines can add up to unnecessary wear and tear on your air conditioner. Schedule regular air conditioner services so that a trained technician can thoroughly inspect and clean your AC unit each year before the cooling season.

For superior air conditioning services in the RaleighDurham area, contact AnyDay Heating & Cooling at 919-329-2944.

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