Have you ever realized that your furnace has stopped working, and then noticed it’s because something tripped the circuit breaker? In some cases, your furnace could actually be causing your breaker to trip. It’s important to resolve any issues right away to prevent damages and maintain a comfortable home.
If your circuit breaker trips when you turn the furnace on, it could mean:
- There’s a short circuit: If your furnace trips the breaker immediately after turning on, there could be a short circuit in the furnace. A short circuit occurs when a hot wire touches another hot wire. When two wires touch, electricity no longer flows through the entire circuit, causing the strength of the electric current to increase. Short circuits can cause a fire or other serious damages, so it’s important to contact a heating system expert right away if you think you may have a short circuit in your furnace.
- Your furnace blower is being overworked: If the furnace blower is being overworked, your furnace may run for a while before it trips the breaker. When the airflow in your heating system is blocked, your blower works harder to distribute hot air to all the rooms in your home—sometimes so hard that the circuit breaker trips. Some of the things that could be blocking airflow include a dirty filter, closed air vents, and undersized ductwork. You can try changing the air filter and opening all the air vents, but if that doesn’t work, contact AnyDay Heating & Cooling to inspect and repair your furnace.
- There are loose electrical connections: The wires in your breaker expand and contract with temperature changes, causing the electrical connections to become loose over time. Contact an HVAC professional to locate and tighten any loose connections.
If your furnace is frequently causing the circuit breaker to trip in your Raleigh-Durham home, contact AnyDay Heating & Cooling for reliable furnace repair. It’s important to get your furnace running properly so your home maintains comfortable temperatures throughout the year.
Schedule Furnace Repair in Raleigh-Durham
For furnace repair in the Raleigh-Durham area, contact AnyDay Heating & Cooling. We are committed to keeping your home as comfortable and energy efficient as possible. We have the experience and expertise to get your furnace back in working condition in no time.
To schedule furnace repairs for your Raleigh-Durham home or to request an estimate for other furnace services, call AnyDay Heating & Cooling today—919-329-2944!