Heat Pump Installation Raleigh, NC - Heat Pump Replacement Services
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Quality Heat Pump Installations – Raleigh, NC

Heat pumps have become a popular alternative to traditional furnaces and air conditioning systems. They require less maintenance, reduce carbon emissions, and cost less to run than other HVAC options. AnyDay Heating and Cooling has been providing the homeowners of Raleigh and the surrounding areas with fast, affordable heat pump services in Raleigh, NC, since 2004.

Our team of professional installers proudly delivers service any day of the week, to make sure your home is filled with comfort every day. We are dedicated to the satisfaction of homeowners and businesses across the state of North Carolina.

Quality Heat Pump Installations in Raleigh, NC


Whether you are considering upgrading your furnace or boiler with a new heat pump or thinking it might be time to replace your current pump, our team at AnyDay Heating and Cooling is here to help keep you and your family comfortable all year long. 

Signs Your Heat Pump Might Need To Be Replaced

A typical heat pump has a life expectancy of about 10-15 years. Like most appliances, preventative maintenance and proper sizing is the key to getting the most out of your equipment.  Even top of the line equipment can wear out sooner or last longer depending on whether or not routine maintenance has been performed during its lifetime. Here are some common signs that your heat pump needs to be replaced. 

It Is Older Than 10 Years

Older units aren’t as environmentally friendly nor energy efficient once they hit the ten-year mark. As your heating equipment ages, you will find that upgrading your traditional heating system with a newer, geothermal system that has a higher efficiency rating will help you save money on your utility bill and offer more effective and efficient temperature control. 

It Needs Frequent Repairs

It isn’t uncommon for your heat pump to need the occasional repair, but once you start to call for service repeatedly, it’s probably time to put your money towards a new unit rather than wasting it on a failing system. 

It Is Leaking

Leaks coming from equipment are never a good sign, especially when it poses the possibility of a deadly carbon monoxide leak. If there are any signs of a leak coming from your heat pump, call an HVAC professional immediately so they can diagnose the issue and determine if you need to replace your heat pump or if it can be repaired. 

It Is Making Strange Noises

If you notice your heat pump system is making unusual noises such as grinding, banging, or squealing, it’s time to have your system inspected to see if a replacement is needed. Some noises are indications of larger problems that if caught immediately can be repaired, however, if they are not corrected immediately they can severely damage the system. 

You Notice Higher Energy Bills

When your energy bills spike and you can’t find a reason for it, the issue very well could be your heat pump. A malfunctioning unit has to work overtime to continue to heat and cool your home causing it to use more energy, resulting in higher utility bills. If you notice this unexplained increase each month, then it’s time to schedule maintenance or repairs. Keeping your system tuned up every 6 months can help keep it functioning at its top performance.

Dependable Heat Pump Replacement In Raleigh

Whether you need to replace your current heat pump or you are looking for more information on geothermal heating and cooling in Raleigh, give our heating team a call. AnyDay Heating and Cooling have been providing exceptional HVAC system services to North Carolina homeowners for over 18 years. Not only do we provide heat pump installations in Raleigh, but we also service geothermal heat pumps in Raleigh, NC neighborhoods and townships, from Brentwood and the North Hills down to Hillsboro and South Raleigh.

All of our services focused on geothermal heating and cooling in Raleigh, NC, are backed by The Good Housekeeping Promise. Give us a call to schedule an appointment with one of our certified technicians today.

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